Our purpose

The Coalition for International Criminal Justice (CICJ) seeks to contribute to effective, fair and properly quality-controlled accountability for core international crimes, whether through national or international jurisdictions. In its pursuit, the CICJ draws its inspiration from recent scholarship and activism to strengthen integrity, professionalism, and transparency in international justice.
The Coalition is particularly concerned that European States and the European Union fulfil their obligations to ensure justice for core international crimes in the most effective way possible, and that their contributions generate optimal results and address the problem of double standards with respect to accountability and universality.
The Steering Group of the CICJ contributes to policy discussions through its highly select statements, articles and other written texts on important issues that affect the functioning of core international crimes institutions.
Steering Group
The Steering Group addresses policy recommendations and views to decision-makers in States Parties and officials of international justice institutions, civil society organisations engaged in international justice, organisations representing victims, national prosecution services, and other stakeholders.
The CICJ is open to like-minded actors in the field, including small and medium-sized non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and lawyers and other professionals engaged in promoting international justice, documenting core international crimes, or litigation of core international crimes cases.